Creating a Brighter Future
Boeing 737-800 Home Flight Simulator
The 737SIM project is a scale replica of the Boeing 737-800 in the form of a flight simulator running on the XPLANE platform. It initially started in 2014 as a performance computer build and became a much larger project in, as it peaked my interest in the aviation world. In 2016, the flight simulator received a major upgrade, featuring 3 desktop computers with a triple display for cockpit visuals. In 2017, a 3D model of the current-day simulator enclosure was designed and constructed to house everything, including the overhead control panels. This journey of the 737sim project has helped me complete portions of my Electrical Engineering curriculum, assisted in earning my Private Pilot certificate and proved to be valuable as I worked on my Instrument Rating. 737sim continues to be a work in-progress and you may check out the blog for updates along the way.